The Process is Important Too...

How you conduct a job search is a great indicator of how you will perform as an employee. Employers take note of this. It's not all about resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn. Be prepared, ask questions, do research, think critically, express gratitude, and work hard!

Stop casting a wide net, and praying for the best. Focus your search on jobs you really want, and go the extra mile for each. This actually takes less time than applying to as many jobs as possible. You can guess which route yields more success.

The same goes for employers. If a hiring process is rushed and unorganized, that could indicate the conditions of the work environment. Are employers sending emails after normal work hours? This could indicate a lack of work/life balance. Red flags should cause you to think, do I even want to work here?

Ask difficult questions at the end of your interview. Stop googling "What questions should I ask at the end of an interview?" What is important to you? If supervisor support is important to you, ask "How have you advocated for your employees in the past? If work/life balance is important, ask "What ways does the company encourage work/life balance for employees?" Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

Brett Ellis